“If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.” – Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson
I realize that Michael Jackson is not the world’s greatest role model, but you can’t deny that Man in the Mirror is a phenomenal song with an applicable message. I have no idea what I want to do with my life professionally, but I know that I want to help people and make a difference. But I’m not doing that (per say) in my current job. Dilema.
So this month I have decided to try and make a difference in other ways. I have been thinking and thinking and thinking of ways to do this that don’t require a lot of time/money. Like most people, I work 8am to 5pm. By the time I commute home and eat dinner, it’s almost 7pm. That leaves me about 3 hours until I go to sleep. I usually fill this time with exercising, making my lunch for the following day and spending a little time with the family. It took me a while, but alas, I have developed a plan to maximize my time! And I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.
For 30 days, I will do something little that I think will make a big difference. I’m not going to save the world, but I might just make it a little bit happier place. It would make me super pumped if other people joined in too (hint, hint).
What am I doing today? Smiling at EVERYONE J
It’s cheesy, I know. But I did a little research... and apparently, smiling benefits all parties involved.
1. Smiling changes your mood.
2. Smiling is contagious (i.e. changes the mood of others).
3. Smiling makes you more attractive to others.
4. Smiling helps you stay positive.
5. Smiling makes you more approachable.
I feel like these are all good things. If I’m in a good mood, maybe it will make someone else’s day better. Billy the Bus Driver didn’t call me Smiley for nothin’.
Results so far: two people asked me why I’m so happy today. People that I smiled at in the hallways at work smiled back. I made a new friend in the breakroom. The guy in the car next to me at a stoplight waved. And one person looked away... but she definitely saw the smile!
Go forth and smile! Let me know if you get any awesome reactions J
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